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Christopher Crank
Christopher Crank

[S1E13] Defend The Ranch

Walker has been grappling with the unresolved issues stemming from his past undercover assignment, with notorious bank robber Clint West swearing revenge against Walker's family after being busted by the Texas Ranger, resulting in the death of his wife. Escaping from prison, Clint enlisted his son Trevor Strand to obtain his vengeance, ambushing the Walker family at their home ranch and shooting the lawman's younger brother Liam as the standoff began.

[S1E13] Defend the Ranch


As the family is shocked at the sight of Liam shot and Walker is disarmed, Clint and his goons force the group inside as the vendetta continues. As the family is tied up by Trevor, Hoyt reveals that more than just a simple family friend, he's a criminal himself, trying to appeal to Clint. While amused, Clint has Walker place a call to Micki in an effort to release one of Clint's associates that the Texas Rangers took into custody. Returning home at the ranch, Bonham notices the gunmen patrolling the property as he makes his approach and furtively sneak up to discover that his son Liam actually survived being shot but is grievously wounded.

Back at the ranch, Clint discovers Bonham's cancer medication, and the revelation brings to light that Bonham kept his diagnosis a secret from the rest of the family. As Liam's condition worsens, Trevor tacitly lets Stella call Trey to provide emergency medical assistance as he instructs them on how to conduct a makeshift surgery over FaceTime to stop the bleeding. As the procedure is completed, Walker and Hoyt return to the ranch, with Hoyt using a loaded gun he stole from the bank's security guard to initiate a gunfight. Clint and his surviving men are forced to retreat but not before Clint takes the opportunity to stab Hoyt, with Walker's best friend dying before the gathered family.

Walker and Clint engage in a grueling fistfight, with Walker ready to avenge Hoyt's death before Trevor holds him at gunpoint. The standoff is interrupted by Micki arriving as backup, and the Texas Ranger is able to talk down Trevor. In the confusion, Clint makes one last attempt to kill Walker, only to be shot dead by Liam as he emerges from the ranch. The next day, Texas Rangers move to suspend Walker for robbing a bank, despite the circumstances, but rather than accept it, he decides to resign on the spot to Captain James' visible chagrin.

Things pick up right where last episode ended. The Rodeo Kings have the Walker Ranch surrounded. Liam has just been shot is on the ground bleeding. Walker is at gun point with Clint. The rest of the Walker clan, including Hoyt runs outside and Abeline screams when she sees Liam on the ground. Clint tells everyone not to move. Walker is asked to take off his holster. Walker pleads to take Liam inside and Clint tell him that he is dead now and wants everyone to go inside for a chat. Trevor can't even look Stella in the eyes for what had just happened. Clint promises that no one else will get hurt if everyone just does what he wants. Clint extends a hand to Abeline to help her up and she refuses. Everyone is sitting at the kitchen table and Trevor ties everyone up. Walker wants to know what Clint wants. Clint wants his wife back. Clint and Hoyt have exchange of words and Walker askes again what he wants. Clint's first request is to get Adrianna(aka Micki) to bring Jaxson to the Walker ranch. Walker calls Micki and is asking about Jaxson and thinks its a good idea to question him. Micki tells him that everyone is working on it and reminds of his DPS hearing at 4:00pm. Walker is unable to bring a fugitive to the ranch as it will raise flags. Clint's 2ndd request to for Walker to show him all the pretty horses they have. Walker, again tries to reason with Clint expressing that he already killed Liam. Clint is adamant that action does not make them square and that he wanted to look around to see everything that Walker could potentially lose. Walker is angered by this. Bonham pulls up to ranch, oversees Hoyt's truck. Bonham is walking towards the compound with gun in hand when he sees Liam on the ground. Bonham tells Liam that he is going to get him out of there and brings him to a safe place.

Bonham tells Liam to put pressure on the wound and gives him some pills that he just picked up for himself. Liam questions where these came from. Liam is weak and tells Bonham about Clint West having everyone inside. Bonham calls Micki and in a cryptic way asks Micki for some help on the ranch. Micki tells him that she is pretty busy at the moment and will check in later. As this is happening, Clint shows up with Abeline at gun point. Clint tells Bonham to take his son and follow him. Clint takes the pills and cell phone away. Walker is pleading with Trevor regarding his mother's death and how Clint has been lying. Hoyt has successfully untied himself and tells Stella to not do the same. Clint walks in with Bonham and a weak Liam. Liam is taking to one of the back rooms. Clint points the gun towards Bonham's head as he questioned how a father could have his boy mixed up in all of this. Hoyt comes to the aid to distract Clint. Clint is not happy and pushes Hoyt down to the ground. Walker has had enough and demands Clint to tell him what he wants. Walker will do anything as long as he stops. Clint wants Walker to rob a bank. Clint tells Walker that he is sitting this one out as he wants to get to know the family better and that Walker will be doing the robbery with some help. The help will come from Hoyt. Hoyt gives a smirk to Clint as pulls himself from the floor as he escaped from the rope. Clint is outside now with Walker(who has just gotten changed) and Hoyt. Clint reminds them that they need to do exactly what he says as someone will be watching. Hoyt suggests that they take the '67 Mustang as they should break the law in style. Clint is wearing Walker's holster and proceeds to give an unloaded weapon to use in the heist. Micki, back at the police station, talks to James about the phone call that she received from Bonham and is concerned. James calls Walker, who is reminded by Clint to not speak in code as he can tell. Walker is cool and calm speaking with James. James is checking in and reminds him of his DPS hearing at 4:00pm. James doesn't really sense that thing are off with Walker but Micki thinks otherwise. Clint tells Walker that he will watch his family and someone will be watching them during the robbery. Walker and Hoyt leave the ranch. Liam is screaming in pain. Stella and August are pleading with Trevor. Trevor tells them that no one was suppose to get hurt and they should just follow his father's directions. Stella tells Trevor that the situation will get worse if he does not let them help Liam. Clint walks back in and Trevor convinces his father to have Stella and August go and check in on their uncle. Clint agrees and reminds Trevor to remember what side his is on. Walker and Hoyt pull up to Texas Saving and Loan bank. Hoyt is observing what they have in front of them. Walker apologizes for getting Hoyt mixed up in all of this and the only reason why is that he betrayed the trust by kissing Geri. Hoyt reminds him that they are best friends and that he will always be here and that because he is an outlaw is the only way they get this job done. Hoyt tells Walker to follow his lead. Back at the ranch, Stella has the first aid kit and Liam is losing a lot of blood. August pulls away the blood soaked gauze and they put a new one on. Clint tells Trevor to keep an eye on them and hands him a gun. Clint is speaking with Abeline and Bonham about betrayal and trust. Clint receives text that they are going into the bank and Clint proceeds to call 911 to report a robbery in progress so Walker can feel the same pain as what he and his wife went through. Walker walks into the bank first, then Hoyt as they are about to put on a show. Walker approaches the teller, and Hoyt then puts a gun to his side and askes very nicely for the bags of money in the vault. Walker has a stunned look on his face. Hoyt tells the security guard to kick his loaded weapon over to him and puts it in his belt buckle. They take the money and overhear the police sirens and they high tail it out of there with a police car chasing after them.

Walker and Hoyt pull up in the ranch. Clint, Trevor, Walker's family and the Rodeo kings are all outside. Walker wants this to finally end and Clint tells him that since the family went rogue, he has not gotten what he came her for. He wants Walker to suffer. Again, Clint tells Trevor that Walker is the reason why his Crystal is dead. At the same moment, Hoyt get a shot off and everyone scatters. Gunfire is exchanged and Stella jumps into the Mustang and runs over one of the Rodeo Kings. Bonham shoots one of them down and is protecting Stella. Hoyt sees Clint throw his and thinks that he has gotten him. He approaches the truck. Clint, takes out the knife that he had taken before and Clint jams the blade into Hoyt's abdomen. Clint runs away and Walker sees Hoyt stumbling and runs towards him catching him as he is falling to the ground. The rest of the Walker family, runs towards him as well and Abeline and Stella scream. Bonham is filled with sorrow. Hoyt, as he is dying. tells the Walker family how much he loves them. Hoyt takes Walker's hand and holds it while he dies. Walker is not only feeling sadness but now guilt and anger. Walker, in the same way that Geri closed Emily's eyes when she died, he closes Hoyt's eyes. Clint, points the gun at Walker's head and tell him that he needed to take someone close to him. Walker finally realizes what Clint wanted and is now feeling the same...Revenge. Walker takes Clint by the arm and they struggle. Walker gets some kicks and punches in. Trevor takes his gun and shoots a warning shot up in the air. Micki runs towards the direction, calling for backup. Trevor is asking why Clint didn't come home. Clint tells him that Walker(Duke at the time) talked him out of it. Walker admits to this but that he was doing this as part of his job and it's all about humanity. Micki shows up and tells Trevor that his mother cared about him so much as she was trying to go see him and that the person to not blame is the one who tried to stop it but the one who has killed before. Trevor puts down the gun as he just wants all of this to end. Clint, sees a gun on the ground and points it towards Walker's direction. A gunshot goes off and thinking that Clint got his shot off, Walker checks himself and is stunned when he sees Liam standing with his newly branded tattoo with a gun in hand as his shot hit Clint, killing him. Walker runs to Liam and hugs him, they fall to the ground and Stella and August join in. Police backup has just arrived and pans out to Abeline and Bonham next to Hoyt's body, Micki consoling Trevor. 041b061a72


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