Download APKG 1 dan 2: Rencana dan Skenario Pembelajaran Terpadu
Download APKG 1 dan 2: A Guide for Teachers and Students
If you are a teacher or a student who is interested in integrated learning, you might have heard of APKG 1 dan 2. These are tools that can help you plan and implement integrated learning in your classroom. But what are they exactly and how can you download them? In this article, we will answer these questions and more. We will explain what APKG 1 dan 2 are, why they are important, how to download them, and how to use them. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of APKG 1 dan 2 and how they can enhance your teaching and learning experience.
What is APKG 1 dan 2?
APKG stands for Alat Penilaian Kemampuan Guru, which means Teacher's Ability Assessment Tool in English. APKG 1 dan 2 are two tools that are designed to assess the ability of teachers to plan and implement integrated learning in their classrooms. Integrated learning is a type of learning that combines different subjects or disciplines into one theme or topic. For example, a teacher can integrate mathematics, science, and art into a theme of shapes and patterns. Integrated learning can help students develop multiple skills, perspectives, and connections across different domains of knowledge.
download apkg 1 dan 2
APKG 1: A tool to assess the ability to plan integrated learning
APKG 1 is a tool that evaluates the ability of teachers to plan integrated learning based on the standards and competencies of different subjects. It consists of a form that contains several criteria and indicators that teachers need to fulfill when creating their lesson plans. Some of the criteria include:
Choosing a suitable theme that connects three subjects
Using appropriate materials that match the standards and competencies
Formulating clear objectives and indicators for each subject
Developing and organizing the content, media, and resources for each subject
Planning the scenario and steps of integrated learning activities
Designing the classroom management strategies
Determining the procedure, type, and tools of assessment
Presenting the lesson plan in a clean, neat, and correct language
The form also includes a space for comments and suggestions from peers, school leaders, tutors, or other evaluators. The form can be downloaded from various sources online or obtained from training modules or workshops.
APKG 2: A tool to assess the ability to implement integrated learning
APKG 2 is a tool that evaluates the ability of teachers to implement integrated learning in their classrooms. It consists of a form that contains several criteria and indicators that teachers need to demonstrate when conducting their lessons. Some of the criteria include:
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Introducing the theme and objectives of integrated learning
Using appropriate media and resources to support integrated learning
Conducting integrated learning activities according to the planned scenario and steps
Managing the classroom effectively and efficiently
Motivating and engaging students in integrated learning
Assessing students' learning outcomes using various methods
Giving feedback and reflection on integrated learning
The form also includes a space for comments and suggestions from peers, school leaders, tutors, or other evaluators. The form can be downloaded from various sources online or obtained from training modules or workshops.
Why is APKG 1 dan 2 important?
APKG 1 dan 2 are important tools for teachers and students who want to improve their integrated learning skills. By using these tools, teachers and students can benefit from the following advantages:
Benefits of integrated learning for students
Integrated learning can help students:
Develop a deeper understanding of the concepts and skills across different subjects
Apply their knowledge and skills to real-world situations and problems
Enhance their creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration skills
Increase their motivation, interest, and engagement in learning
Achieve better academic performance and outcomes
Benefits of integrated learning for teachers
Integrated learning can help teachers:
Design more meaningful and relevant learning experiences for their students
Use various resources and media to support integrated learning
Manage the classroom more effectively and efficiently
Assess students' learning outcomes using various methods
Improve their professional competence and confidence
How to download APKG 1 dan 2?
If you want to download APKG 1 dan 2, you can follow these steps:
Sources and links to download APKG 1 dan 2
You can download APKG 1 dan 2 from various sources online, such as:
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Ministry of Education and Culture)
Direktorat Jenderal Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan (Directorate General of Teachers and Education Personnel)
Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (Center for Development and Empowerment of Teachers and Education Personnel of Social Sciences)
Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (Center for Development and Empowerment of Teachers and Education Personnel of Natural Sciences)
Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Matematika (Center for Development and Empowerment of Teachers and Education Personnel of Mathematics)
Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Bahasa (Center for Development and Empowerment of Teachers and Education Personnel of Language)
You can also download APKG 1 dan 2 from other websites or blogs that share the files, but make sure they are reliable and trustworthy. You can use a search engine to find them, but be careful of viruses, malware, or scams.
Steps to download APKG 1 dan 2
Once you have found a source and a link to download APKG 1 dan 2, you can follow these steps:
Click on the link to open the file or the website that contains the file.
Check the file name, size, format, and date to make sure it is the correct and updated version of APKG 1 dan 2. The file name should be APKG_1.docx or APKG_2.docx, the size should be around 100 KB, the format should be Microsoft Word document, and the date should be in 2020 or later.
Click on the download button or icon to start downloading the file. You may need to enter a password, captcha, or verification code to proceed.
Choose a location on your device where you want to save the file. You can create a new folder or use an existing one.
Wait for the download to finish. You can check the progress and status of the download on your browser or device.
Open the file and check if it is complete and readable. You may need to enable editing or macros to view the file properly.
Print the file if you want to have a hard copy of APKG 1 dan 2. You can also save it as a PDF file if you prefer.
How to use APKG 1 dan 2?
After you have downloaded APKG 1 dan 2, you can use them to plan and implement integrated learning in your classroom. Here are some instructions and tips for using APKG 1 dan 2:
Instructions and tips for using APKG 1
To use APKG 1, you need to:
Choose a theme that connects three subjects that you want to integrate. The theme should be relevant, interesting, and meaningful for your students and curriculum.